Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, my day!

As I turned a year older today and I thank the Lord for this beautiful morning. I do not need any miracle to happen or a wish to be granted today, waking up with Oliver and Bea everyday are more than enough for me to be happy and even more thankful as I go my way.

What to look forward as I aged? To be more patient, to be more responsible, to be more resilient, overall to be a better person. I look forward on better opportunities at work, and more time to bond with my love ones. May the good Lord let me aged gracefully :)

I will not be having a celebration later or even on Saturday - its Oliver’s moment. Later today, we just planned to dine out and then check some wine shop and then bring Bea to Tiendesitas for her grooming session. I took a day off from work so I hope people at my office would be considerate enough to give me this day (no calls please!).

By the way, thank you to those who sent their greetings and are planning to send later :)


  1. belated happy birthday, ms. elna.
    all the best!

  2. thank you for the greetings docgelo :)
